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Welcome to St George's School (Summer Term 2024)

'St George’s School is a particularly outstanding example of a school committed to meeting the needs of its pupils and is outstanding in its commitment to, and implementation of, inclusive practice.' (IQM June 2024)

Welcome to our wonderful school. St George's School is an ambitious and friendly place to be. We are driven by a desire for every child to succeed and be well prepared for their next stage in education. We achieve this through a team of excellent teachers and adults who provide a very high quality of service, delivering success in learning whilst building strong and positive relationships. 

We all know that modern life can be challenging at times, and being successful can be easier said than done. For this reason we ensure that we are able to respond appropriately and effectively to meet the personal needs of children. Through a positive school culture where everyone is valued, through to the provision of full time therapeutic workers on site, we believe that we offer a very special place to be.

However, our commitment to inclusion does not lessen our desire for every child to achieve well. This is reflected in the current primary school progress league table data where we are ranked 1st for writing in the region, 5th for mathematics and 12th for reading ... a superb achievement.

Applications to the school are made via the Planning and Admissions Service at Essex County Council, and not via the school itself. The school is growing in popularity and we advise any family who are keen on joining to apply without undue delay. We currently have places available in our Reception year group, so please apply straight away if you would like a place.

Our session times for the 2024-2025 academic year are as follows:

School Day Start (Every Child) :       8:40am when the gates open

End of Day : Reception                      3:10pm onwards, collected from the East Playground at Woodlands (32h30m per week)

End of Day : Year 1                            3:13pm onwards, collected from the West Playground at Woodlands (32h 45m per week)

End of Day : Year 2                            3:16pm onwards, collected from the East Playground at Woodlands (33h per week)

End of Day : Year 3                            3:20pm onwards on the South Playground at Towers (33h20m per week)

End of Day : Year 4                            3:20pm (C13), 3:22pm (C14), 3:24pm (C15) West Playground (33h20m - 33h40m)

End of Day : Year 5                            3:20pm (C16), 3:22pm (C17), 3:24pm (C18) East Playground (33h20m - 33h40m)

End of Day : Year 6                            3:20pm (C19), 3:22pm (C20), 3:24pm (C21) West Playground (33h20m - 33h40m)

Pedestrian gates to the school will be secured from 3:30pm to ensure the safety of children on site for after school clubs. Access to the main reception entrances will be available beyond this time.

Mr Carl Messer BA(Ed)Hons NPQH



Contact Us:

  • If visiting in person please maintain hand hygiene and provide some social distancing where possible.
  • Call us on 01206 506800 
  • Email us using the email addresses below.


Administration            contact@stgeorgesschool.org (Enquiries : Mrs Lawrence and Mrs Hart)

Mrs Cooke                   tcooke@stgeorgesschool.org (Director of School Improvement based at Woodlands Campus)

Mrs Vicarey                 avicarey@stgeorgesschool.org (Safeguarding and Child Protection Lead and Deputy headteacher based at Towers Campus)

Mr Messer                   cmesser@stgeorgesschool.org (Headteacher)

Mrs Dunt                     senco@stgeorgesschool.org (Inclusion Leader and SENCO)

Welfare Issues            nurture@stgeorgesschool.org (Mrs Laughlin at Woodlands, Mrs Bullock 'Mrs B' at Towers)

Admissions                  admissions@stgeorgesschool.org 

Asking for Help

StarLine on 0330 313 9162. StarLine is an independent body, staffed by teachers and Ofsted employees, who are available to give advice to families. Be aware that the call will be charged at the local rate.

Staying Safe Whilst Learning Online

The following websites may be useful in helping families to keep their children safe whilst working online.









Upcoming Events

Embedded Calendar
AttendanceWarm Space at Wimpole Road (002)

Latest News


Our menus for the Woodland campus and Towers campus are available via the above News tab.  School Lunches for children at the Towers Site are charged at a cost of £2.50 a day which can be paid for via your ParentPay account.  

Absence email

Please note you can now report your child's absence via the attendance email address - attendance@stgeorgesschool.org

Junior Parkrun will be held on the recreation ground at 9am on Sunday. Register for free at www.parkrun.org.uk/colchester-juniors/ . Any pupil of the school who runs regularly can order a barcode bracelet and/or barcode tag from the Parkrun website and we will reinburse the cost! (Just show us the items and receipt as proof).

...Recent News... 

Educational Visits are organised regularly for the children in the school. We will need to request a financial contribution for each visit that is a fair proportion of the total cost involved. Vists risk being cancelled if adequate contributions are not received.

Ofsted conducted an inspection of the school in November 2023 as part of their normal round of inspections. Our school was judged to be good in all aspects. The full report was published on January 16th 2024 and can be read at https://files.ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50237439 

In the summer term of 2024 the Inclusion Quality Mark conducted an audit of the school. The school was identified as a Centre of Excellence.

SATs 2023 Updated Results

Reading Progress : Above Average (2.9)

12th Highest Ranked School in the Region

Writing Progress : Well Above Average (5.5)

The Highest Ranked School in the Region

Mathematics Progress : Above Average (2.5)

5th Highest Ranked School in the Region

Reading : St George's 103 (National 105) Standardised score

Writing : St George's 71% at expected standard

Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling : St George's 71% (National 72%)

Mathematics : St George's 102 (National 104) Standardised score

Combined (all three) : St George's 60% (National 60%)

Disruptive Weather or Significant Events : in the event of any significant disruptive weather, or unavoidable events (eg lack of utilities), families will be informed by text of any risk to the school being able to open as normal. Please do not keep your child off school unless you have heard from the school formally of any need to close.

Sports Relief(1)ThrivePSQM 2023IQM CoE

St George's School, Canterbury Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7RU

Tel: 01206 506800 | Email: contact@stgeorgesschool.org

Towers Campus (Canterbury Road) | Woodlands Campus (Barrington Road)

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