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St George's School Admissions Policy


If you would like to make an application for a school place please contact Essex County Council at Essex County Admissions

Applications for admission to Reception 2023

Applications for Primary School places for September 2023 can be made on-line at Essex County Council from 7th November 2022.


The closing date for an application is 15th January 2023. 

You must make an application for a school place even if your child currently attends our Nursery.

Reception Intake 2023 - Frequently Asked Questions

When will I know my child has a Reception place in September 2023 at St George’s School?

Offers will be sent by Essex County Councilto on-line applicants by email on 17th April 2023.  This will inform you of the school at which your child has been offered a place.

If you do NOT receive an email/letter after this date you should contact the LA School Admissions Team on 0345 603 2200.

What will happen next?

Once you have received confirmation from Essex County Council of your child’s place with us on the 17th April, we will send you an email asking you to complete an electronic admission form, we will also provide you with general information about the school, term dates and where to buy uniform.  

We will provide you with further information about possible Tours/Induction Days whether virtual or in person as soon as available.

If you have any questions about our school, please do get in touch.


01206 506800 – option 3 – Woodlands Office


reception for website

Admissions Criteria 

(For Nursery Admission Criteria please see Nursery Page)

There is no guarantee of a place for children living in the priority admission area. 

In the event of oversubscription places will be allocated using the following criteria in the order given: 

1. Looked After Children and previously looked after children (as defined in the Primary Education in Essex 2023/2024 booklet);

2. children with a sibling attending the school; 

3. children living in the priority admission area; 

4. remaining applications. 

In the event of oversubscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to school, those living closest being given the highest priority. 

# This school has a nursery unit. Please see the Primary Education in Essex 2023/2024 booklet.

Waiting list held until: 31 December 2023


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