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We are seeking a new Parent Governor. Applications close February 6th 2023 at 3:30pm.

Parent Governor Election: Spring 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am writing to inform you that St George’s School has a vacancy for a parent governor on the Governing Body.

Parent governors play an important role as members of the Governing Body, which is responsible for directing the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards of educational achievement. The term of office for a parent governor is 4 years.

If you would like to stand for election, or would like to nominate somebody else, please arrange for a nomination form to be completed, addressed to the Headteacher, and returned to the school no later than 3:30pm on Monday 6th February 2023. Forms are also available from the school office, and online.

Nominations must be proposed and seconded by other parents with children at the school. The nominated person must, on the day that nominations close, be a parent of a pupil registered at the school. No parent may propose or second more than one candidate. Parents being nominated are invited to provide some brief autobiographical details, not exceeding 100 words, suitable for use on the ballot paper (will be printed as provided). Parents who work in the school for 500 hours a year or more are not eligible to stand in these elections. Nominees may be parents, people with parental responsibility, or persons who have actual care of a pupil at school, eg cohabitees.

The qualifications required to serve as a Governor are provided for you to read. Anyone standing for election must certify that they are not disqualified from serving as a governor for any reason. If you are proposing or seconding the nomination of somebody else you should satisfy yourself that, so far as possible, that your nominee meets these requirements.

The successful candidates will be required to submit an application through the school to the Essex County Disclosure Unit (DBS check) regarding their suitability to have access to children and young people, and will be unable to take up their appointment unless clearance has been received within a prompt timescale.

If there are more nominations than vacancies the election will be by secret ballot, into which all nominees will be automatically entered. If an election is necessary voting papers will be sent to all parents together with details of the ballot procedure. The winner of any ballot is the person with the most votes.

This is a wonderful opportunity to be involved our Governing Body team, and I would urge all interested parents to give consideration to being nominated for this position.

Yours sincerely,

Carl Messer (Headteacher)

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