Science @ St. George's!
At St George’s School we are all scientists. Science will stimulate the minds of our children, encouraging curiosity, questioning and cross-curricular learning. Children use their senses inside and outside of the classroom to carry out enquiries using a rich and varied scientific vocabulary. Teachers plan engaging, exciting and progressive biology, physics and chemistry learning for all children.
- Science is hands on and practical and is inspiring for all children.
- Children’s scientific knowledge is built upon using their senses and the local environment.
- Children have the chance to foster their curiosity through a range of enquiry types.
- Children build upon previous knowledge and learn new things; they are given opportunities to share these within the wider school community.
- Children learn about the works of different scientists whom have impacted upon our world.
- Children at St. George’s will be exposed to STEM opportunities where the focus will be hands on learning with real world applications to support the development of a variety of skill sets including creativity.
In May 2023 St. George's School were awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark! This is a huge acheivement for our school and shows our dedication to the teaching and learning of Science.
Winter Science Day 2022
On Monday 19th December 2022 we had a whole school Winter Science Day. The theme for this was Snow/Ice!
Each year group planned a day of activities surrounding this theme and the children used their enquiry skills to answer a question.
Reception children made igloos and freed animals from the ice, Year 1 looked at how animals and humans keep warm in the arctic, Year 2 investigated moving ice from one place to another without it melting, Year 3 made sledges using different materials investigating forces, Year 4 made ice cream in a bag, Year 5 tried to grow ice and Year 6 looked at melting ice using different light sources.