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Science @ St. George's!


At St George’s School we are all scientists. Science will stimulate the minds of our children, encouraging curiosity, questioning and cross-curricular learning. Children use their senses inside and outside of the classroom to carry out enquiries using a rich and varied scientific vocabulary. Teachers plan engaging, exciting and progressive biology, physics and chemistry learning for all children.


  • Science is hands on and practical and is inspiring for all children.
  • Children’s scientific knowledge is built upon using their senses and the local environment.
  • Children have the chance to foster their curiosity through a range of enquiry types.
  • Children build upon previous knowledge and learn new things; they are given opportunities to share these within the wider school community.
  • Children learn about the works of different scientists whom have impacted upon our world.
  • Children at St. George’s will be exposed to STEM opportunities where the focus will be hands on learning with real world applications to support the development of a variety of skill sets including creativity.
PSQM 2023

In May 2023 St. George's School were awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark! This is a huge acheivement for our school and shows our dedication to the teaching and learning of Science. 

overview picture
process of enquiry

Winter Science Day 2022

On Monday 19th December 2022 we had a whole school Winter Science Day. The theme for this was Snow/Ice!

Each year group planned a day of activities surrounding this theme and the children used their enquiry skills to answer a question.

Reception children made igloos and freed animals from the ice, Year 1 looked at how animals and humans keep warm in the arctic, Year 2 investigated moving ice from one place to another without it melting, Year 3 made sledges using different materials investigating forces, Year 4 made ice cream in a bag, Year 5 tried to grow ice and Year 6 looked at melting ice using different light sources.  

Year 6 Animals including humans - the circulatory system. Lamb heart dissection and making blood.

Year 6- Mersea Island fish van visited our playground. We were able to look at the different types of fish. We then carried out a fish dissection - Evolution and inheritance unit.

Light unit- How the eye works

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