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Behaviour at St. George's School

Policy for Pro-social Behaviour and Ready, Respectful and Safe Learners

The purpose of our policy is to support and encourage pro-social behaviour amongst the pupils using a Trauma Perceptive Practice Approach throughout the school, so that all pupils can effectively learn, be safe, feel respected and develop selfdiscipline. This will prepare them for later life.

At St. George’s we use a consistent, clear and fair whole school approach, focusing on setting high expectations for behaviour and learning attitudes. Pupils are given opportunities to reflect on their behaviour and are supported to respond with a restorative approach.

We understand that behaviour that challenges is a form of communication, often born from a reaction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's) faced by the pupil. As a team, we work hard to identify what is underpinning the behaviour being displayed. A reflective approach is key. For some pupils, this will require an individualised approach tailored specifically for their needs.



  • Pupils will be taught what positive behaviour looks like, including strategies to use when they are not effectively managing their emotions and behaviour.

    Key areas of the curriculum which promote the development of pro-social behaviour include:

  • Personal Social Health and Economic education (PSHE),
  • Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Online Safety.
  • Collective Worship will also be utilsed to strengthen children understanding of core values and rules.

Positive behaviour is promoted when:

  • A clear and consistent approach is used by all adults
  • Common language is used with children I wonder, I imagine, I notice
  • Behaviour is modelled and supported by adults so that children are clear about what positive learning and attitudes to behaviour looks like.
  • Strong relationships are developed
  • Pupil’s contributions are valued
  • Positive behaviour is celebrated
  • Clear expectations are set in place for everyone to follow
  • Effective ‘learning to learn’ skills are identified

Rewards to show recognition of positive behaviour include:

  • Praise linked directly to the positive behaviour
  • Proximal praise
  • Individual or whole class rewards in recognition of positive behaviour and learning attitudes including Certificates of Excellence, class certificates, stickers, public praise in assemblies for exceptional achievements
  • Telephone calls/letters home to parents


Bullying is the ongoing and targeted behaviour of one or more people which is intended to impact negatively upon another. Bullying behaviour is unacceptable, and the school works collaboratively with families to address reported concerns. St George’s School works to support both the person/people who are subjected to the bullying behaviour and the person/people who are displaying the bullying behaviours. The aim is for the pupil to reflect on the behaviour, understand the impact and effect of that behaviour and for the behaviour’s exhibited to stop. Pupil’s involved will be supported by the Nurture Team, and direct involvement of the Senior Leadership Team if appropriate.

Supporting Behaviour:

There may be times when pupil’s find it difficult to exhibit appropriate behaviours. When this happens, children are provided with support to co or self-regulate their behaviour using a Trauma Perceptive Practice Approach.  An emphasis is placed on a collection of evidence around the alleged incident, using a ‘non-judgemental’ approach. Key supprt and interventions might include:

  • Reflecting on what happened
  • Reflecting on actions and response
  • Developing an understanding of personal triggers and emotions
  • Learning prevention strategies
  •  Calm staff team response; onus on maintaining a safe learning environment
  • Use of visual reminders or social stories
  • Time with a Nurture Mentor or member of SLT to work out what wnet wrong for the child/next steps
  • Putting into place a Risk Reduction Plan
  • Enlisting support from other agencies if appropriate.



Occasionally it may be necessary for a protective consequence to be put in place because of the behaviour displayed. Particularly when a pupil is persistently disruptive and support is not deterring the behaviour exhibited. Consequences used will be proportionate and reasonable responses to the behaviour, that may vary according to the age of the pupil and any other special circumstances that affect the child.

Consequences might include:

  • Reflection time
  • Confiscation of items
  • Missed break

If a consequence has been necessary, the pupil will be supported to reflect on what went wrong, restore 'make good' the situation and identify ways to reduce or prevent further incidents. This will happen as soon as possible following the incident. Where behaviours displayed have resulted in a consequence being implemented, parents/carers will be informed to enable a joined-up approach.

Suspensions and Exclusions:

In extreme circumstances it may be necessary to implement further consequences. The school will work with the pupil and the parents to avoid suspensions or exclusions wherever possible. However, if the pupil continues to breach the school rules and the health, safety and welfare of both the pupils and/or staff team and the property of the school is jeopardized, the following sanctions may be carried out.

  • Internal exclusion/removal from class
  • Fixed Term Suspension
  • Permanent Exclusion

The wider context of the pupil and any underlying factors will be considered as part of the decision-making process. Fixed term suspensions and Permanent Exclusions will be reported by the Head Teacher to the Local Authority. 

The reasons behind the above will be made clear to the pupil, staff involved and parent’s will be informed.  The length of time for removal will be proportionate to the behaviour concern.  

Where a fixed term suspension has been implemented, reintegration meetings will be held prior to a pupil’s return to school. Support will be put into place for the pupil re-entering class.

In some circumstances, a referral may be made to a Pupil Support Unit as a final preventative measure to support pupils at risk of permanent exclusion.

Pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities

We understand that there may be occasions where provision and support will need to be personalised in order to enable all pupils can access the whole school approach to behaviour as set out within this policy. This enables pupils to feel part of the school community and enables high expectations to be maintained for all pupils.

Behaviour exhibited by pupils will be considered in relation to their SEND needs, although it is also acknowledged that not all incidents will necessarily be connected to that pupil’s SEND need.

Where a pupil has an Education, Health and Care Plan in place, the provisions as set out in that plan linked to supporting behaviour will be followed. 

The use of Physical Intervention

In extreme situations when a pupil’s behaviour could cause injury to themselves or others, or put them in danger of committing an offence or cause damage to property, it may be necessary for members of staff to use reasonable force to prevent this from happening. Within this, it may be necessary to facilitate the use of the Essex Steps ‘Step On’ approach for de-escalation and conflict resolution. This may include physical guides to support pupils such as ‘open mitten’ or ‘school hug’.  Colleagues are trained in the principles of:

  • The importance of a whole school culture.
  • Pro-social language and body language.
  • Physical guidance, stopping short of physical intervention.

Parents will be informed if physical intervention has been necessary, and this will be recorded using the school system.

Safeguarding and behaviour

Where behaviour is poor, pupils can suffer from issues as diverse as lost learning time, child on child abuse, anxiety, bullying, violence and distress. It can cause some pupils to stay away from school, missing on vital learning time.

St. George's School acknowledges its legal duty under the Equality Act (2010) and Keeping Children Safe in Education (September 2022), towards safeguarding pupils linked to behaviour displayed in school.  This includes managing any incidents of inappropriate behaviour particularly those regarding child on child abuse or acts of prejudice.  This includes but is not limited to; SEND, gender identity, race, religious beliefs, poor mental health, poor physical health, disadvantage.

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