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Year 3 Summer 2 Weekly Spellings

y3 spellings sum2


We have been learning all about plants. We have identified the parts of a flowering plant and investigated the requirements for a plant to grow. We completed an investigation to see how plants growth would be impacted by different factors. During Science Week, we looked at native and non-native plants within the grounds of our school. We have recently investigated the role of the stem and used food dye to observe the way that water travels through the stem.


Here at St. George's we provide a range of musical opportunities. One of the Year 3's favourite things to do is take part in singing assembly. Each week the children learn new songs and sing in unison. The most recent has been the hit smash #thatPOWER by Will.I.Am and Justin Bieber. We think that they sound AMAZING!

Power lks2.m4a


In recent Computing lessons we have been programming Microbits. Once we have written the code, we download it to our Microbits to test them to see if they work! We have already created a timestables tester alongside a name badge.

Check out Class 10's amazing times table testers!


Our current PE lessons include athletics and Kwik Cricket. We have been starting to practice our athletics skills such as throwing javelins or doing the triple jump. Within Kwik Cricket we have been learning how to throw and catch accurately, from hitting the wicket to using our legs as a long barrier.

The children have also completed their Mini Marathon! What a fantastic achievement!


Within our Maths lessons we have been learning about units of measurement. In particular we have been measuring mass in grams and kilograms alongside using millilitres and litres to measure volume and capacity. We have had many practical lessons to explore what unit is best to measure in.



In English, we have been writing persuasive letters about deforestation. We participated in a debate about the pros and cons of deforestation and completed our own research on the topic. This allowed us to write some brilliant, factual letters about the issue.

Class 11 addressed theirs to the Prime Minister and even recieved a reply from 10 Downing Street! smiley

Our key texts for the Summer term

Agents of Change!

In Year 3 we have been working hard to achieve some of the Agents of Change projects. This has included:

  • Eat, sleep move (mini marathon)
  • Take part in a debate (deforestation)
  • Write to a politician (Class 11 - Prime Minister)
Deforestation debate c11.m4a
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