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Year 3 Autumn 1 Weekly Spellings

Key texts for the Autumn term

How to Wash a Woolly MammothStone Age Tales: The Great Storm (Terry Deary's Historical Tales) : Deary,  Terry: Amazon.co.uk: BooksThe Pebble in My Pocket: A History of Our Earth : Hooper, Meredith, Coady,  Chris: Amazon.co.uk: Books   





In Maths we have been focused on Place Value. We have been representing three-digit numbers in a multitude of ways. We have also been recognising how to partition a three-digit number into 100s, 10s and 1s alongside how to add and subtract 1, 10 or 100 to any given number. We have been counting in 100s as well as estimating and recognising any missing numbers on a number line.


In Science this half term we have been focused on learning about Rocks and Soils. This links really well with our Stone Age topic as we have been able to identify some of the rocks they used in the Stone Age, such as flint. We have been investigating the different rocks, grouping them into similar categories and identifying how they are made. Did you know there are three different rock types? Igenous, sedimentary and metamorphic! We had an investigation to work out which rocks belonged to what rock type, using tools to see how soft they were, water to see if they were permeable and also an acid to see if there was a reaction! We discovered that the softer, more permeable rocks like chalk and sandstone tended to be sedimentary.



This half term we have already looked at 3 different key texts. The children have really enjoyed reading 'The Great Storm' by Terry Deary. The children worked on their retrieval skills and were building confidence in their summarising ability. They particularly enjoyed thinking of questions that they wanted to ask the different characters within the text. 


We are using our learning about the stone age to help us with our writing this half term! We have begun by writing our own instructions called ‘How to wash a sabre-tooth tiger’. We acted this out before we began to write which was really fun! We then wrote our own non-chronological report about the stone age, researching stone age tools, animals and houses! We will continue with our learning this half term by writing a diary entry!



Our History topic this term is the Stone Age! We have become Hunter Gatherers already, looking for useful items to collect to use for shelter, food and as weapons before having a go at some Stone Age cave art! Have a look at what we have been up to! We are really looking forward to our Stone age day and learning more about this topic throughout the term, we are already so excited about what we have learnt so far! Ask us about it!

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