Inclusion at St. George's School
The Inclusion Team consists of:
Inclusion Lead/SENCo: Miss L Dunt
Nurture and Thrive Leads: Mrs D Laughlin (Woodlands) & Mrs. K Bullock (Towers)
Pastoral, Support and Inclusion support: Miss. S Taylor
Transition books Woodlands site
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
At St. George's we are proud to support all our pupils and aim to provide our pupils with excellent education as well as independence and life skills, through an inclusive ethos. We aim for our pupils to feel safe and secure at St. George's, and for their families to have trust and belief in our school staff, who are all commited to support our pupils reach their fullest potential.
We recognise that all pupils learn at different rates and we aim to focus on the needs of the pupils and readily adapt and amend provision to meet the needs of all, with all our pupils being treated as individuals. We are passionate with working closely with our families to ensure we can provide the education our pupils needs.
Transition books Towers site
We are proud to use Thrive at our school. Thrive enables our pupils and young people to develop their emotional and social needs and supports to unlock pupil potential.
We have three trained Thrive practitioners across the school, who practise Thrive regularly with pupils in 1-1 sessions or small groups.

Essex SEND information
Local offer:
"SEND IASS provides free, confidential and impartial information, advice and support about Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) for children and young people (0-25), parents and carers."
Information relating to EHCPs/supporting pupils with high needs: