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The Quality of Our New Primary School After the Covid Closure Period

The Local Authority conducted a review of the school in 2022, following the creation of a new expanded primary school, and following the period of lockdowns and 'bubbles' . This is what they said...

(Leaders) compelling vision of a single community serving local children and families is being realised.
There is a broad, exciting and engaging curriculum on offer.
Well sequenced curriculum planning is well underway to ensure a sound progression in all subjects from EYFS to year six.
Governors recognise the significant work of the headteacher and senior leadership in galvanising the staff team
(Governors) are rightly proud of the evident successes
Reading is prioritised.
Children talk about how much they love reading and pupils in key stage 2 appreciate the high-quality texts they read in class.
Pupils have a clear understanding of the learning outcome, consistently recorded in pupils’ books, together with success criteria mapped against emerging, expected and exceeding age-related outcomes.
The appropriate use of manipulatives supports the concrete visualisation of learning before moving onto the pictorial and abstract; this was especially consistent in mathematics lessons observed in the lower part of the school, including Early Years.
Clear expectations of the correct use of mathematical vocabulary are consistent together with effective use of question stems.
The White Rose scheme is a consistent feature of good mathematical lessons across the school.
The use of targeted teaching is consistent throughout the upper part of the school.
Learning assistants support specific groups and individuals, with clear use of appropriate scaffolds and a range of targeted questioning all underpinned by nurturing, positive relationships with pupils
Leaders use outcomes of monitoring to inform termly priorities.
(Subject) Leaders have sequenced the curriculum, appropriately mapped against age related expectations and aligned with assessment processes.
Leaders have ensured that the locality of Colchester is captured across the school’s curriculum, using it as a rich resource (bringing) “the local community into our school”.
Pupils’ learning is enhanced by a range of opportunities and experiences which bring learning to life.
Pupils speak knowledgeably about notable figures from black history including Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King and their respective roles in eliminating discrimination and unfair treatment. This was evident in pupils as young as six years old.
children are being supported to develop their sense of social responsibility and which contributes strongly to their personal development.
Pupils are clear about expectations; positive relationships are in evidence
Pupils know that adults care about them.
Children behave well across both school sites and are polite and respectful of adults and each other.
A calm productive atmosphere permeates the school.
Lunchtimes are a sociable occasion; pupils play well together engaging in both active and imaginative play using the equipment on offer.
There is real strength in inclusive provision, where Thrive and Trauma Perceptive Practice lay at the heart of provision.
Additional needs are identified quickly and provision is adapted creatively to meet need.
There is a clear golden thread between need, targets, provision and review.
Children with specific and challenging needs access a nurture provision which is building confidence, resilience and embedding basic skills.
Interventions are planned and supportive and children make progress against their identified targets.
Intensive and appropriate support allows children to access quality first teaching and the classroom environment.
As the children move through school, the intensity of intervention and support are no longer needed and cognition and learning becomes the focus.
Pupils speak articulately about their learning and understand how their teachers support them.
They benefit from a range of apparatus and tools to secure their learning and are developing independence in seeking these supports
The school works tirelessly to address attendance issues and are committed to tackling the wider issues for families to unpick and reduce barriers.
At the heart of this work is ‘relationship’ and the school has seen significant successes in utilising this approach

A Great School

Ofsted inspected the school in the 2017-2018 academic year, and Essex Schools Education Service formally reviewed the school shortly before. This is what they had to say about the quality of leadership, teaching, outcomes, personal development and behaviour at the school (spolier alert : it makes for nice reading!).

  • Essex LEA: Overall Effectiveness (Good)

    'the Headteacher has created a culture of high expectations'

    'a relentless focus on ensuring all pupils make at least good progress'

    'there is no complacency at this school'

    'assessment information is used precisely'

    'outstanding attitudes to learning'

    '[pupils] are deeply engaged in their work and display high levels of independence and resilience'

  • Essex LEA: Outcomes (Good)

    'in 2016 combined attainment was above the national figure'

    'the vast majority of pupils have made good progress in reading, writing and mathematics'

    'leaders use assessment information from KS1 to carefully track pupils' progress'

    'underachievement is swiftly identified and decisive action taken'

    'disadvantaged pupils are also making expected progress and in some cases outperform other pupils'

  • Essex LEA: Teaching, Learning and Assessment (Good)

    'teaching is characterised by high expectations'

    'pupils quickly settle to their work and no time is wasted'

    'pupils are keen to respond to teachers' skilful questioning'

    'they are clear about how to be successful'

    'misconceptions are challenged effectively'

    'cross curricular links are carefully made to ensure learning is brought to life'

    'there is evidence of high quality dialogue which directly improves the quality of pupils' writing'

    'marking and feedback is consistently applied across the school'

    'pupils greatly appreciate the feedback they are given'

    'the learning environment is well organised'

    'homework is also used effectively, is valued and integrated into pupils' learning'

  • Essex LEA: Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare (Outstanding)

    'pupils are universally polite and courteous'

    'they speak highly and warmly about the school and are proud of their achievements'

    'a calm and orderly atmosphere'

    'pupils possess outstanding attitudes to learning and excellent learning behaviours'

    'they are truly supportive of each other, listening well to the teacher and their peers'

    'pupils know they are cared for in school and who they can turn to if there is a problem'

    'they have complete faith in their teachers that any issues will be dealt with as they arise'

    'there are excellent relationships between pupils and adults and between peers'

    'pupils say they feel safe'

    'leaders make every effort possible to improve the attendance of those pupils whose attendance is a concern'

  • Essex LEA: Leadership and Management (Very Good)

    'the Headteacher provides vision and drive'

    'there is no complacency and the whole school team is focussed on raising the attainment and progress of all groups of pupils'

    'a caring and nurturing environment'

    'phase and subject leaders ... possess an accurate view of the quality of teaching and are clear about the areas requiring further improvement'

    'provision is individually tailored...so that barriers to learning are removed'

    'governors know the school's strengths and areas for development'


  • What did Ofsted say in the 2017-2018 year?

    Our full Ofsted report is available in the 'Information' area of the website.

  • Ofsted: Effectiveness of Leadership and Management

    Rated 'Good' in 2017-2018

  • Ofsted: Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment

    Rated 'Good' in 2017-2018

  • Ofsted: Personal Development, Welfare and Behaviour

    Rated 'Good' in 2017-2018

  • Ofsted: Outcomes for Pupils

    Rated 'Good' in 2017-2018

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