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Welcome to Year 4!

Welcome to Year 4 at St. George's School!

In Year 4 we base our learning on three engaging topics and themes which incorporate high quality texts.

The Year 4 team have worked hard to create a curriculum which provides the children with first hand experiences, opportunities to develop their oracy skills, layered learning which links to the theme and opportunities for children to create pathways for their own learning whilst challenging themselves and evaluating their learning and skills. 

Year 4 Weekly Spellings Summer 2

y4 spellings sum 2

Summer Term

In year 4 we are focusing on the book 'The Butterfly Lion' by Michael Morpurgo. 


During our Computing sessions this half term, we have been looking at how to source reliable information from the internet. It is important to check the credibility from websites. Some signs of an unreliable source could be: spelling errors, no author or publisher and a disorganised layout. Information on websites like this can be false and/or made up and therefore not reliable. We have also been looking out how to search for information and how the internet filters out relevant information in order to answer our questions.


We have been looking at decimals this half term, including money. We have been retrieving our knowledge of place value to understand tenths and hundredths when it comes to money and understanding the importance of the placeholder. In addition to this, the children have been learning to round the nearest decimal place, exploring money, recognising the value of coins and how money can be converted, e.g. 350p is equal to £3 and 50 pence.

Times Tables!

Children have recently completed the Summer Mock MTC on TTRS. The children have been working really hard to make progress with their times tables and are improving each day. 

Please make sure that you encourage your child to complete a soundcheck each day at home! 

Below you can find the key information for the Multiplication Tables Check.


Mini Marathon



In music lessons, Year 4 children have started to look at Gospel singing. They have started to practice ‘Lean on me’ by Bill Withers spotting the different features in the music.


In French this half term, we have been learning how to ask and answer questions relating to time, specifically the o’clock and half past time. We have been talking about our day and what we do at certain times, along with asking and answering questions regarding TV schedules. We will be moving onto the days of the week and learning to count in 5’s.


In Science, Year 4 children have been looking at the teeth we have and their purpose and the teeth of different animals and whether they can be categorised as herbivores, carnivores or omnivores. We created a marshmallow version of our mouth to try and recreate the teeth in our mouth.



In Geography, we have been looking at co-ordinates and how to follow compass directions. We played a game of battle ships to test out our skills.

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