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Music at St George's School

At St George's School, music plays an important part in our school community. We have worked from Nursery through to Year 6 to create a high quality music curriculum, enabling all of our children to access a high quality music education.

It is hoped that through this they will develop a love for music, through an active involvement in performing, composing, listening and appraising across a wide range of historical periods, styles, traditions and musical genres embracing the cultural diversity of the world we live in.  We promote an understanding and the importance of all types of music, and respect the role music may play in any person’s life. The children learn to sing, and are given opportunities to perform to an audience. We encourage children to understand the value of music within the wider community, and enable them to be involved in musical experiences in a range of contexts.


Year 6 Music Lesson

seven nation army.mp4

Year 4- Glockenspiel lesson

Year 5/6 Music session


Rock Steady - KS1

Choir Club

Our passionate staff offer a choir club on a Tuesday morning at the Woodland's Site.

There is also a KS2 Choir running on Tuesday mornings with Mrs White. 

Staff band! Oh yes!

Here at St George's School we have created our own staff band! We get together and try out new instruments each week! Drums, keyboards and singing with the support from 'Rock Steady.' We then share our weekly learning with our class! Plus we have great team fun!

Musical fun in Nursery!
Nursery Music

Our Values

Music is taught via an online music scheme, provided and supported by Essex Music Service enabling all of our children to access a high quality music education. Its weekly lessons enable children to access engaging and exciting resources in order to develop their musical knowledge, skills and understanding, building on previous learning resulting in them being able to:

  • Perform, listen to, review & evaluate music
  • Be taught to sing, improvise with & compose music 
  • Understand & explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical 

Here at St George's we personalise our Music Curriculum to link with our topics. For example, during a singing unit Year 6 children performed at the Castle Park for rememberance day- linking to their class topic of WW2. As well as weekly music lessons in class, pupils also have additional opportunities to participate in music through weekly singing assemblies, lessons with peripatetic teachers and we also have ‘Rock Steady’ where children have the opportunity to learn vocals, keyboard, guitar or drums as part of a rock band. This recently included pupil premium children who are funded by bursary places.


^ RockSteady Festival 2022 ^


Year 4- African Drumming

In the Summer term Year 4 took part in an African themed day. The children learnt how to play the Djembe. They found out that it has 3 different sounds. The children learnt to play a simple rhythm on the djembe's and performed for each other. 

Music 1
Music 5
Music 7
Music 9
Music 8
Music 10
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